
December 11, 2020 Daily Devotion

A Time to Dance!

I will build you up again, and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt. Again you will take up your timbrels and go out to dance with the joyful.

Jeremiah 31:4

When was the last time you went out to dance and let it all out? For many, even pre-covid, it has been a while. Recently, I was communicating by email to a person. Habitually, I close with Lead with Love. This person responded with, “I really appreciate you closing with “Lead with Love”, what a great reminder!”

I then introduced her to the Integrative Creator Model of Healthcare. This “lone nut” 🙂 on the dance floor is canvassing for the first followers to make this idea a movement and a dance that glorifies God by living fully alive in mind, body, and spirit. She then responded, “What an undertaking, the Integrative Creator Model of Healthcare. Kudos to you for your faith and courage to talk about God in a world where the mere mention of God is taboo, at least in many settings. I hope you find great support and success. “My response was, “There is room for you on the dance floor.”

Let’s all join in song and dance all for the glory of God!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our vision is to unite all in Love for God is Love. If you have found this devotional inspiring, please LIKE and SHARE so that we can all spread Love to the world.

Unite all in Love for God is Love!