
All Gifts Are Meant to Be Shared!

Today's Daily Devotion - August 6, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

All Gifts Are Meant to Be Shared! - Daily Devotion

Then he summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority to expel unclean spirits and to cure sickness and disease of every kind. - Matthew 10:1

Now, the 12 disciples were ready. The had studied under their “Rabbi “and were ready to begin their missionary work. Jesus instructed them to “go after the lost sheep of the house of Israel and proclaim, the reign of God is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, heal the leprous, expel demons. The gift you have received, give as a gift (V:7-10).”

One could imagine how the disciples may have felt. Yes, they were trained by the son of God, yet with their human weakness, who could blame them for any insecurity? Well, Jesus, thought of that as well. “When the hour comes, you will be given what you are to say. You yourselves will not be the speakers; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you” (V: 19-20).

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