
December 10, 2020 Daily Devotion

Fishers of Men

Come after me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men.

Matthew 4:19

Jesus was a missionary and never complained of long walks, journeys, or evangelizing to share His love and the love of His Father, forgive sins and to heal mind, body, and spirit. As Jesus is all and in all, we too, are called to imitate the life of Jesus. There is no greater love than to answer the call as Ambassadors for Christ-here I am Lord, I have come to do your will.

The Apostle Andrew dropped everything, even his fishing nets to be with Jesus. Like Andrew, be open and ready to leave parts of our former life behind as we seek the Lord. You might consider praying one of the Gospels during this Advent season. As you contemplate God’s word, see what Jesus is placing in your heart. Nurture that wonderful divine exchange, talking to Jesus moment to moment. Talk to Jesus my guiding light.

Be willing to give up everything but the hand of Jesus!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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Unite all in Love for God is Love!