
Growing in Trust

Today's Daily Devotion - June 23, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

Growing in Trust - Daily Devotion

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. - Psalm 56:3

The act of surrender can feel as if we are giving up. But that is not true. We are handing our lives over to our heavenly Father, the Creator of heaven and earth. Why wouldn’t we? He created us and knows us better than we could ever know ourselves. Is it our pride that we may appear weak? Or is it fear of losing control. Place all our baggage at the foot of the cross. The hard part is not to take it back!

It is pleasing to God to also surrender all our blessings, gifts, and talents to Him. Now that I know how much more grace and peace I receive when I surrender, I make it a habit to do so. Try it, you will like it. It works in our personal and professional lives. It may be helpful to make a prayer of surrender each day in a spirit of humility, trust, and love. Lead with Love, the power of Love is God!

Let go and let God!

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