
October 14, 2023 Daily Devotion

Imitating Christ’s Humility

Humbly regarding others as more important than ourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Humility, Love and Forgiveness represent essential values in our Creator model of Healthcare curriculumWe define humility as regarding others and their opinions as more important than our own. That does not mean we have to agree nor have the last word. Unconditional Love is the greatest healer as God is Love. Forgiveness: The first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest. So let us all be brave, strong, and happy. Forgiveness is Love in action. 

Ironically, Jesus did not demand that we submit to him, instead, he submitted to us. He who is Lord of all took the form of a slave, pouring himself out in miracles of healing and deliverance (V.7). He who is the  wisdom of God patiently taught the way of forgiveness and holiness. Because Jesus chose humility over pride and service over force, his Father raised him up and exalted him as Lord. Jesus asks us to win over each other’s hearts just as He came to win our hearts. 

Victory rests in humility, love, and forgiveness!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our vision is to unite all in Love for God is Love. If you have found this devotional inspiring, please LIKE and SHARE so that we can all spread Love to the world.

Unite all in Love for God is Love!