
Listen To Wisdom

Today's Daily Devotion - August 10, 2022

By Khai Samante

Listen To Wisdom - Daily Devotion

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding — Proverbs 2:1-2

Do you listen to wisdom? Or, mostly, to the newest celebrity scoop, rumors, or trend? Solomon advises us to use caution in what we listen to and take in. He desires we train our ears to receive wisdom. If we are not constantly on guard and discerning, we can easily believe what we are told to be true.

But how do we incline our ear to wisdom? One of the many ways is to regularly attend church services and hear the Word of God, lean toward Christian audiobooks or podcasts that can strengthen our faith, interact with other Christians, take in worship music, and so on. We can use technology to further our Christian life today. Solomon counsels developing discipline toward God’s things and letting go of worldly concerns in order to develop the fear of God.

Let’s listen intentionally to wisdom.

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