
October 16, 2023 Daily Devotion

Love by Serving

There are different forms of service but the same Lord.

1 Corinthians 12:5

Unite all in love for God is Love. Love never fails. God is Love. Clearly love is of God and a decision to put another ahead of ourselves, especially when we have been hurt. The Apostle Paul new that when his disciples in Corinth placed this kind of love ahead of their divisions, they would find peace and unity. 

What if we started off every conversation and meeting inviting Jesus Christ? Then we would watch the world change. Even better yet, reserve a seat with a picture of Jesus Christ to remind each other to love and serve one another in a manner that imitates the life of Jesus. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. (Mark 10:45). When we get out of ourselves and take care of someone else, our hearts soften. Then we lead with Love and the power of Love is God! 

Jesus is the greatest sign of Love.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our vision is to unite all in Love for God is Love. If you have found this devotional inspiring, please LIKE and SHARE so that we can all spread Love to the world.

Unite all in Love for God is Love!