
My Kind and Talented Colleagues

Today's Daily Devotion - October 26, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

My Kind and Talented Colleagues - Daily Devotion

Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him above all forever. — Daniel 3:58

Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked about in the fiery furnace untouched by its flames, with one voice singing glorifying and blessing God. Similarly, at DrGeorgeJ, in a united voice, I am truly blessed to have two kind and talented colleagues who join me as ambassadors for Christ as we spread the gospel message and share a better way in healthcare: to teach, to love, and to heal. These young ladies are truly an inspiration and blessed with many gifts and talents. At DrGeorgeJ, our tag line is “Lead with Love as the power of Love is God.”

We do not know how our journey will end, yet we place our trust in God that each day he wakes us up, he has a plan for us. We pledge each day to live fully alive in mind, body, and spirit all for the glory of God. We acknowledge our imperfect world and will do our part to share, show, and be loved. We will continue with one voice to glorify, praise, and exalt our God above all forever.

All praise, honor, and glory to God!

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Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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