
Priceless Promises

Today's Daily Devotion - December 2, 2021

By Khai Samante

Priceless Promises - Daily Devotion

I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. — (Isaiah 46:8-11 ESVBible Reading Isaiah 46:8-13)

What God’s promises are you claiming?

“I keep repeating my negative habits. I’m discouraged. But I am confident that I am triumphant in God’s eyes. I’ve been reborn as a new creation. In Jesus’ name, I am set free. God promised that the old has passed away, and the new has come in Christ.”

“What I have now may not be sufficient, but you promised to bring me to a thriving conclusion. You can bless me abundantly, so that I will abound in every good deed in all things at all times, having all that I require.”

These are only a handful of the blessings we can ask God for. God blessed us with priceless promises. How can we have faith that God will keep His promises? “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should alter his mind,” says Numbers 23:19. Does he say anything and then do nothing? Does he make promises that he doesn’t keep?“ This is God’s Divine nature. We are confident that God will fulfill His promises because He is not like us who lie or change minds. He always performs His word, and He has all power and strength to fulfill His promises.

For our sake, we call God to mind about His promises. As we speak His promises in our lives, our faith grows and our perspective shifts. Make a list of God’s promises and announce them over your situation to start your week. God has never failed before, so have faith and expect the unexpected.

Pray and declare the promises of God.

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