
Reason, Season, Lifetime

Today's Daily Devotion - August 16, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

Reason, Season, Lifetime - Daily Devotion

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.  - Isaiah 12:3

“Tony” is new brother in Christ that I met recently on my travels. Like many of us, he has a checkered past. As we sat outside enjoying the evening, we marveled in the abundance of God’s grace and mercy. It was beautiful to hear his testimony to the power of God’s love in his life. After he gave his life to the saving power of Jesus Christ, he was “born again” to share, show, and be love. We acknowledged that our lives are far from perfect, yet we have been redeemed by our perfect Creator.

As one of my friends reminds me- people come into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime. I may never see Tony again this side of heaven, yet I believe God brought us together for all three purposes.

The reason was to witness to the redemption of Jesus Christ. The season although brief, was to be bold on our path to salvation as we prepare for a lifetime with Jesus Christ.

Let joy be your compass...

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