
Seat 28 E—Reserved for Jesus

Today's Daily Devotion - July 20, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

Seat 28 E—Reserved for Jesus - Daily Devotion

Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak. - Exodus 4:12

On my return trip from Ohio, I was on a 150-passenger plane with one empty seat. The seat was next to me and a woman sitting in the window seat. As we were taking off, she said, “We are lucky not to have anyone sitting next to us. I smiled, and said, “Indeed, because that seat belongs to Jesus.” The conversation would go one of two ways as she smiled and said nothing. The seed was planted.

We are called to acknowledge God’s presence and give thanks and praise in all that we do. God will bend time on your behalf and make straight your path. A Lakota holy man once said, “Let each step you take be in prayer. For if each step you take is in prayer; you will always walk in a sacred manner.” Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thoughts, words, and actions and you too will walk the path of peace.

Jesus, my guiding light!

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