
The 5 Steps of the “Examen” of our Conscious

Today's Daily Devotion - July 24, 2021

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

The 5 Steps of the “Examen” of our Conscious - Daily Devotion

Let us examine and probe our ways and let us return to the Lord. - Lamentations 3:40

Step 1: I give thanks for favors received: What are the favors that I have received from God? How has God loved me this day? First, uncover and accept the many ways in which God has loved me. This will allow me to fully examine my sins through the love and mercy of God.

Step 2: I ask for the grace to know my sins. Uncovering sins in my day is primarily God’s action, not mine. God knows my defects. Let God’s grace show me want he wants me to see today.

Step 3: I examine my thoughts, words, and deeds from my rising to the present. It might be helpful to focus on one sinful habit or behavior or else our mind may start drifting and lose focus.

Step 4 and 5: I ask for forgiveness and resolve to amend with God’s grace. With a contrite heart, I tell God that I am truly sorry. God reminds me of his unconditional love and grace I need to change. I conclude with praying the Lord’s prayer.

Living a conscious life

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