
The Zeal to Spread the Gospel

Today's Daily Devotion - September 21 2022

By Khai Samante

Acts 8:4 Daily Devotion Scripture

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. — Acts 8:4

As the tremendous persecution of the church in Jerusalem erupted, the disciples were not rattled in their efforts to carry out the mission that Jesus had entrusted to them. Stephen’s passing didn’t end the journey. It was now possible for Christians to experience persecution and possibly death. The disciples, however, scattered to different locations, such as Samaria, and preached about the Messiah there rather than hiding and forgetting about Jesus and their mission. The early church could spread the Gospel throughout the world despite even death.

Do only pastors and priests have the authority to preach the Word? Are only missionaries who work full-time able to promote the gospel? Obviously, the response is no. Sharing our hope with others is the only reasonable way to thank Jesus for what he has done for us. We can begin by just texting a friend to let them know that Jesus loves and cares for them. Let’s pray that God would give us the zeal to spread the gospel wherever He leads us.

Lord, help me be bold for your Word!

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