
October 13, 2023 Daily Devotion

We Are All Broken

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

Proverbs 21:3

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. What is right and just? Let’s look at God’s law (the commandments) and the example of Jesus Christ: Humility, Love, and Forgiveness. Life is complicated enough Spiritually, Physically, and Emotionally. Then enter “sin”: the ultimate acts of selfishness and life simplicity vanishes.

We are all responsible for our health and choices. Unity, love of neighbor, a tender heart, and a humble mind are the dispositions pleasing to God. That is what makes a broken person great in the eyes of God. We are all called to greatness for the glory of God. Talk to Jesus my mindful moments. Talk to Jesus my guiding light. Jesus may offer a compassionate course correction and redirect your thoughts, words, and actions. I love the power of the Holy Spirit!

Jesus Christ is the game changer!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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Unite all in Love for God is Love!