
We Serve A Powerful God!

14 Day Mindfulness Moments – Day 14 Daily Devotion

Daily Devotion - Day 14 -14 Day Mindfulness Moment

As long as Moses kept his hands raised up, Israel had the better of the fight. Exodus 17:11

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a direct way to know that your prayers are being heard? Moses had it: hands up the Israelites win the battle and hands down, they lose. It was as simple as that. But Moses could not persevere on his own. On one side he had Aaron and on the other Hur holding up his hands as he prayed for victory.

Recently, I said a prayer at work with my staff. I told them that we pay God a huge compliment when we ask great things of him. I was needing God to deliver big as we were in the midst of a spiritual battle. Within a few hours of this prayer, our “mighty God” delivered a mighty blow to evil as we all ceremoniously raised our hands up in victory.

This is a stark reminder that each of us needs our brothers and sisters in Christ to hold us up and to help us persevere. Each day is a new beginning as we help each other on the path to salvation. There is no sweeter victory than to work for that which is eternal.

Be willing to let go of everything except the hand of Jesus!

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Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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