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Deep Rest of Our Soul

Deep Rest of the Soul-DrGeorgeJ

Deep Rest of Our Soul

January 23, 2022 Daily Devotion
By Khai Samante

Deep Rest of the Soul-DrGeorgeJ

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  Genesis 2:2 NIV

Read Exodus 20:8-11

The world is very competitive—telling us we have to prove ourselves to others. Sometimes we want to excel, not because we want to be better, but because we want to prove to others that we can be better that who or what we are now. It’s like there is a murmur deep within telling us that what we are never enough. Without us noticing, our wrong motivations are blinding us, making us slaves to our career and personal ambitions.

As a result, we do not get to experience a deep rest of our soul. We assumed taking holidays would suffice to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual rest. It does, however, provide us with just a temporary rest. A sabbath rest is what we most need. We can only discover this type of rest in Jesus Christ, the Lord of Rest. God rested from all his work on the seventh day, not because he was fatigued. God was exceedingly satisfied with what he had created (Genesis 1:31). He was pleased with what had been accomplished.

In Jesus, we can rest with satisfaction that all our work is good. We rest in his finished work. By admiring God’s creation, we can find deep rest for our souls and glorify him. We take a break because there’s more to life than just work. Sleep is the fourth pillar of the 5 Pillars of Wellness of the Creator Model of Healthcare. It is best to sleep 7-8 hours throughout the night so that we can recharge our batteries and get ready for the next day. The Bible mentions trusting in God as a promise of such quiet resting. If we are disturbed by problems that hinder us from sleeping, we can cast our anxiety on God’s love and sovereignty to help us sleep.

Come to Jesus and he will give you rest!

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