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United in Love

United in Love

Today's Daily Devotion - May 28, 2022

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

With great power the Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. - Acts 4:33

At first glance, these early Christians didn’t have much in common except their belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They felt moved by the Holy Spirit to come together and form a new community of believers. They realized that everything they had was on loan from God they were quick to detach from their possessions to build His kingdom. Christians are united by baptism into the body of Christ. All we are and have is given to us so that we can bless one another.

So how can we live out this call? I was recently asked to assist with our youth on fire group. I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit to share my gifts as biblical health coach. We recruited a third person, and we became “Tres Amigos.” We blended our gifts and talents to offer the youth lively and spirited gatherings spreading the gospel message through food, music, exercise, and scripture. We forged new friendships and enjoyed growing spiritually together. So let us continue to form a community of believers empowered to live fully alive in mind, body, and spirit all for the glory of God!

For God is Love!

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Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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