
Blessings and Glory to Our God!

14 Day Mindfulness Moments – Day 6 Daily Devotion

Daily Devotion - Day 6 -14 Day Mindfulness Moment

You have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 1 John 2:20

All Saints day was celebrated on November 1st. St Thomas Aquinas once said that grace is “nothing else but a certain beginning of glory within us.” It is this glory that all saints in heaven are enjoying right now. God’s grace is the beginning of glory in us. It’s what paves the way for each of us to experience the glory of God in our lives.

Each moment you say yes to grace adds to God’s glory in your life. This grace may move you beyond resentment and active steps to healing a strained relationship or recognizing an area of weakness or sin and start the hard work of changing unhealthy habits.

Heaven is your true home and God is fully committed to helping you get there. Each step of trust, faith, and obedience brings you closer to the full glory God wants you to experience with him in heaven.

We are all destined for glory!

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Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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