
December 9, 2020 Daily Devotion

Faith in Our Invisible God​

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

So which is stronger: Your fear of an invisible virus or your faith in an invisible God? We know that Covid is everywhere and so is our awesome God. Let’s remind Covid that we serve a wonderful and powerful God. Intuitively, we know that God has protected us from many known and unknown sources that may have caused us harm. When fear (false evidence appearing real) creeps into our minds; let us replace it with worship.

What are your go to positive affirmations that center your thoughts on the love of Jesus Christ? Today, more than ever, we need to stand vigilant and squeeze the hand of Jesus. My favorite centering exercise is to slowly Inhale love, exhale gratitude: focus on Jesus. When we control the breath, we calm our mind, relax our body and renew our spirit which is the foundation for healing.

Remember that God has given us everything to be healthy-our God-given immune system. Let us channel our energy into living fully alive in mind, body, and spirit. By doing so we glorify God.

Inhale Love, exhale gratitude: Jesus

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our vision is to unite all in Love for God is Love. If you have found this devotional inspiring, please LIKE and SHARE so that we can all spread Love to the world.

Unite all in Love for God is Love!