
Go and Be With the Children

Today's Daily Devotion - January 3 2023

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

Matthew 1:23 Daily Devotion Scripture

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” which means “God with us.” — Mathew 1:23

On Christmas Eve, I returned home from a morning Nativity play rehearsal with our youth and noticed my furnace was not working. The temperature outside was near zero. I was on the phone with my sister and mother, and we started to pray. I, then, made a phone call to Jake, the repair man. After, I clearly heard the Lord, “Go to mass and be with the children. I will fix the furnace.”

God came up big as between Jake’s phone advice and Jesus’s clear direction, the furnace became “alive” and has been keeping me warm ever since. I shared this with my prayer warrior sister and Mom, and we are convinced our “prayers” made the difference.

I felt an overwhelming peace at mass as I witnessed our youth and choir give glory to God through the Nativity and hymns of praise and worship. Indeed, the best is yet to come…Jesus!

Prayer is and always will be the best medicine.

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