
God promises restoration

Today's Daily Devotion - August 5, 2022

By Dr. George J. Ceremuga

God Promises Restoration - Daily Devotion

I will bring about the restoration of my people Israel.

— Amos 9:14

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. It takes lots of prayer, patience, and perseverance to see the fruits of our labor. “Nunca te rindas”- Never give up! Recently, I had to look up to heaven and say, “thank you, that was you God!” Our Lord’s timing was perfect and through the power of the Holy Spirit, hearts were changing and in His time all will be made new again.

Restoration is a beautiful word filled with hope. It means that nothing and no one is too far gone for the Lord. Even amongst our sins, brokenness, and baggage, God promises restoration. God gave us Jesus, the redeemer, and the Holy Spirit the sanctifier to repent, reconcile, rejoice, as we are reunited with our loved ones walking on the path to salvation.

God doesn’t make promises he doesn’t keep.

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