
December 4, 2020 Daily Devotion

Life in God

Stand firm, and you will win life.

Luke 21:19

Stressors have a huge effect on our mood, our sense of well-being, actions, and health. No one is exempted from experiencing unwanted events that may cause us to be stressed and anxious.

It is not God’s will for us to live a stressful life. It is always a choice whether we will let all the triggers and causes of stress to get into our system. Yes, it is not that easy but in God, we can always have victory over our situation. Let us remember that we are in partnership with God. God wants us to experience life and peace in Him amidst the storms but we need to do our part by trusting Him along the process. He wants us not only to pray but also to obey in Him and His word. If we have God, we can always choose to smile, breathe, and love because we know that He is in control above every situation. We can have peace and confidence that He is always at work in all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Don't let stress get into you.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

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Unite all in Love for God is Love!