
We Have No Control Over the Future

Today's Daily Devotion - September 5 2022

By Khai Samante

Ecclesiastes 7:14 NLT Daily Devotion Scripture

Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

— Ecclesiastes 7:14 NLT

What awaits us tomorrow is a mystery. The COVID-19 event served as a reminder that nothing is certain. A proverb says, “Life is like a wheel; sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.” Ecclesiastes reminds us to enjoy what we have while we can, but when hard times strike, we should also realize that both come from God.

God’s abundant providence makes us smile and rejoice. On the other hand, God’s stern providence can either increase our reliance on Him or cause us to become more self-reliant. Let us remember God is our creator and the source of all things. God allowed us to go through different seasons out of love and wisdom, and we must learn to accept and comprehend this. They serve a certain purpose. God made life unpredictable so that we would understand that we have no control over the future. Another scripture from Job 1:21 tells us, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

We may be in abundance or in lack, let’s not forget who our God is. Praise the Lord!

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