
December 7, 2020 Daily Devotion

When God Picks You... He Will Equip You

Jesus will make your physical body conform with his glorified body.

Philippians 3:21

Do you ever wonder why God picks you and me for certain roles? Sometimes I think it is more because of our availability than it is our ability. Ask Moses or Jonah. Sometimes we complain along the way, yet God gives us everything we need to glorify His name. Just as our blessed Mother role modeled the most important “Yes” in salvation history, each one of our yes’s matter.

Over the last 3 years, God has nudged Team Love God to represent Him in rolling out the Creator model of healthcare empowered by the 5 pillars of Wellness. He has gently reminded me and my talented Love God team not to let “perfect be the enemy of good.” God will refine our work and He will make it beautiful. There is no better time to Lead with Love as the power of Love is God.

God ways are not our ways!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our vision is to unite all in Love for God is Love. If you have found this devotional inspiring, please LIKE and SHARE so that we can all spread Love to the world.

Unite all in Love for God is Love!