
Our God is a God of the Living!

14 Day Mindfulness Moments – Day 5 Daily Devotion

Daily Devotion - Day 5 -14 Day Mindfulness Moment

Teacher, you have answered well. Luke 20:39

In chapter 20 of Luke’s gospel Jesus is challenged by the Sadducees, who deny that there is a resurrection. Jesus surprised them by pointing to a passage in the Book of Exodus that supported what he had said. Because Jesus drew his explanation from something they had already affirmed, they came away impressed.

Similarly, trying to relate to people who may be different from us can be intimidating. Let’s follow the example of Jesus’ dialogue with the Sadducees.

First, be peaceful. You may not agree with their view, but never forget that God loves them. Smile and let your light shine with the love of Jesus. Second, find common ground. Always begin by looking for something that you agree on. This can be a wonderful starting point for a meaningful dialogue. Finally, make positive connections. Help one another grow closer to the Lord as you draw closer to each other. As you reach out in Love, you will make a difference.

God is Love!

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