The Power of Eros Love

The Power of Eros Love

How It Helps Us Find Closer Connection to God & Others

Introduction: Eros Love Within the Bible

The Bible doesn’t specifically discuss eros love, also known as romantic and sexual love. However, the Bible does make mention of romantic love, passion, and desire, particularly in the Song of Solomon (also known as Song of Songs) book of the Old Testament.

Song of Solomon is a book of poetry that celebrates the love between a man and a woman. It describes the beauty and passion of their relationship, using vivid and sensual imagery to convey the depth of their love for each other. 

For example, Song of Solomon 1:2-4 says: 

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— 
for your love is more delightful than wine. 
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; 
your name is like perfume poured out. 
No wonder the young women love you! 
Take me away with you—let us hurry! 
Let the king bring me into his chambers.” 

These verses express the intense desire and passion that the woman has for her lover, comparing his love to the delight of wine and the fragrance of perfume. 

Throughout Song of Solomon, the couple’s love is celebrated and honored, and their physical desire for each other is viewed as a natural and beautiful expression of their love. The book serves as a reminder that romantic and sexual love can be a gift from God and should be celebrated and enjoyed within the context of a committed, loving marriage relationship. 

The Power of Eros Love in Marriage

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:4-6 

Eros love husband and wifeEros love can certainly be more powerful when God is the center of the relationship. When the husband and wife share a deep faith in God and strive to honor Him in their relationship, it can enhance the intimacy and connection between them. Here are a few reasons why: 

Shared values:
When God is at the center of a relationship, both partners share a common set of values and beliefs. This can create a stronger foundation for the relationship and make it easier to navigate challenges and conflicts.

When both partners are committed to God, they can hold each other accountable to their shared values and beliefs. This can help them avoid behaviors that may harm the relationship or compromise their faith.

God’s love and forgiveness can also play a powerful role in an erotic relationship. When both partners are committed to following God’s example of forgiveness and grace, they are more likely to extend that same forgiveness and grace to each other, even when mistakes are made.

Deeper intimacy:
When God is at the center of a relationship, it can create a deeper sense of intimacy and connection between partners. This is because both partners are not only sharing physical intimacy, but also spiritual intimacy.

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How Eros Love Helps Us Find Closer Connection to God & Others

Eros love can help us find a closer connection to God and others in several ways: 

Forgiveness - Eros Love

Encourages Intimacy:
Eros love can encourage intimacy and vulnerability with our partner. This intimacy can also inspire us to seek closeness with God and deepen our relationship with Him.

Teaches Selflessness:
Eros love requires selflessness and mutual respect. Learning to put our partner’s needs and desires before our own can help us cultivate a spirit of selflessness and service towards others, including God.

Promotes Communication:
Eros love promotes communication and understanding between partners. Honest and open communication can help us build stronger relationships with others, including our relationship with God.

Develops Trust:
Eros love requires trust and vulnerability. Developing trust in our partner can help us develop trust in others, including God.

Strengthens Commitment:
Eros love can strengthen the commitment between partners. A strong commitment to our partner can inspire us to deepen our commitment to God and develop a closer relationship with Him.


It’s important to note that while having God at the center of a relationship can enhance the power of Eros love, it’s not a guarantee of a conflict-free and perfect relationship. To love is a choice, hence the husband and wife should make a daily decision to love one another and keep their marriage covenant with the Lord. Both partners must be committed to nurturing the relationship and putting in the effort to make it work. 

Eros love can help us cultivate important values and qualities, such as intimacy, selflessness, communication, trust, and commitment. These values can be applied to all our relationships, including our relationship with God, and can help us develop deeper and more meaningful connections with others. 

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