holistic self care

Why Self Care is Important to your Health


Self-care is an important part of daily life, however during times of uncertainty and this unprecedented situation with COVID-19 the need for self-care is imperative. Self-care is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when life is busy and stressful, and people often think that taking time for themselves seems indulgent. But looking after your own wellbeing will help you get through this challenging time, and will help you to better care for others.

Amidst the confusion and constant stream of information due to COVID-19, a self-care plan can help you focus, make decisions and stay healthy.

What is self-care?

Self-care refers to the activities and practices that we deliberately choose to engage in on 

a regular basis to maintain and enhance our health and wellbeing.

Why is self care important to health

Self-care helps to prevent stress and anxiety. By incorporating self-care activities into 

your regular routine, like going for a walk or socializing with friends, you give your body 

and mind time to rest, reset, and rejuvenate, so you can avoid or reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Self-care makes you more effective. When you take time for yourself and give your body the food, rest, and activity it needs, you will actually have more energy to meet the demands of daily life – however unusual they might be. Bringing more balance to your daily routine will help you be more productive and more resilient to stressors.

Self Care Benefits to your well being

1. Emotional Health 

When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.

2. Physical Health 

Physical self-care includes how you’re fueling your body, how much sleep you’re getting, how much physical activity you are doing, and how well you’re caring for your physical needs. Attending healthcare appointments, taking medication as prescribed, and managing your health are all part of good physical self-care. 

3. Social Health 

Maintaining healthy social connections with friends and family yields many emotional and psychological benefits. It’s vital for combating loneliness, dealing with stress, and just having fun!

4. Spiritual Health 

Studies have shown how cultivating a spiritual life can have numerous health benefits. A practice in spiritual self-care quiets the mind and helps to calm the turbulence within, leaving space to begin feeling and honoring what your heart yearns for, and having the courage to take the necessary action for good change.

Some tips on how to start a self-care routine

Congratulations on your decision to take the first steps towards recovery! While the journey can be difficult, there are many tools available to help you. Creating a plan and identify which tools will work best for you is crucial to successful recovery. Here are some healthy steps to get you started: 

Care for yourself by focusing on your strengths

Many people believe that leading a stressful life is the key to success, studies have shown that incorporating joy, spirit, and relaxation into your daily routine can actually have a number of benefits – strengthening and better overall health.

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating healthy foods when you’re hungry is an essential part of good nutrition and self-care. It keeps your blood sugar stable, which means you’ll have more energy, better mental focus, and you’ll feel more emotionally stable throughout the day.

Get adequate sleep

You will feel more productive, as sleep increases focus, energy and concentration. Studies have also shown lack of sleep can lead to mood disorders and may cause depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Improve memory. While you sleep, your mind is still at work.

Practice Meditation

Meditation helps us to see the contents of our minds and hearts, to understand the way we construct the world and the pain we carry around with greater clarity, compassion, and acceptance. In this way, meditation has the power to transform our relationship to ourselves, to others, and the world around us.

Practice Breathing Exercise

Close the mouth and take a slow breath in through the nose, while feeling the abdomen rise and inflate like a balloon. Breathe out slowly through pursed lips, as if blowing bubbles, with each expiratory breath taking about two to three times as long as each inhalation. Repeat these steps for 5–10 minutes.

Set your goals

Setting a goal for self care is important because it allows you to focus on what is most important to you and your health. By taking the time to set a goal, you are more likely to stick with your plan and achieve success.


Self care is often overlooked in our busy lives, but it is essential for our physical and mental wellbeing. Taking even just a few minutes each day to nurture yourself can make a big difference. So why not set yourself a goal of 5 minutes of self care every day? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just do something that makes you feel good.

Self Care relationship to 5 Pillars of Wellness

Self-care is often the foundation upon which these pillars are built. Without taking care of ourselves first, it can be difficult to maintain healthy relationships with others and stay balanced in our other pursuits.

Self-care encompasses many different things depending on the individual. However, some common elements of self-care include getting enough rest, eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and spending time doing things we enjoy. It is important to find a balance that works for us and to make self-care a priority in our lives. When we do so, we are better able to take care of those around us and live more fulfilling lives.


1. Can self care help prevent illness?

There is evidence that self-care can have positive impacts on our health, including making us more resilient, living longer, and being better able to cope with stress. But can self-care also help us avoid disease or illness? While it can certainly help reduce the risk of future health problems, self-care is not a cure or treatment for existing diseases or illnesses.

2. What are the self care strategies?

There are many different self care strategies that people can use to improve their wellbeing. Some common self care activities include exercise, relaxation, healthy eating, and spending time outdoors. However, it is important to tailor self care activities to meet your own individual needs. Experiment and find what works best for you in order to live a happy and healthy life.


Self-care is very important for our overall health and well-being. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to recharge and rejuvenate both physically and emotionally. This allows us to approach life with a more positive outlook and energy. Additionally, self-care can help prevent burnout, illness, and injury.

It is so important to schedule time for self-care activities that nurture us in body, mind, and spirit. When we make self-care a priority, we are showing ourselves that we are worth taking care of. This sends a powerful message of self-love and respect.

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What we need is empowerment and self-care. We have to change our whole mindset about our health and embrace lifestyle medicine. Here at DrGeorgeJ Holistic Health and Healing, we offer support and empowerment to everyone and everyone who chooses to live fully alive and empowered to optimal body, mind, and spirit health through the Creator Model of Healthcare’s 5 Pillars of Wellness.

We are excited to be a part of a change in the healthcare.


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